#BenevoLENT2020 – Day 5

This time last week, I was just getting off of the phone.

Actually, I was hung up on.

Up until that point, I had been having such a nice day (I even went as far as to tweet about how unusually pleasant the day had been). Then I picked up to that unexpectedly distressing call. This person, who I love very much, was giving me Hell.

It put a damper, to say the least, on the happiness that I was enjoying.

The details of that conversation aren’t important. What IS important is the reconciliation that followed. We didn’t speak to one another for three days. But then on Ash Wednesday, they came to Mass. As an extraordinary minister, I put the ashes on their forehead. And when it was time for the passing of the peace, they reached out for a long hug.

In a church full of people, in the presence of the consecrated Body and Blood, we hugged and hugged. I’m thinking a lot today about how that is how we had began our Lenten season. With love, forgiveness, acceptance, and whole-lot-of-Jesus.

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